Hills of Britain and Ireland
OS Map of Stob Bealach na Frithe

The remains of a wall heading off across the mountain moorland between Stob Binnein and Meall na Dige.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak wall 51193939548

Stob Binnein and Ben More (right, in the distance) both under heavy cloud. This is from the col below Stob Coire an Lochan.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak pool water 51194787765

Walkers on their way up Stob Binnein's south ridge towards the summit.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak snow ridge walkers hikers 51193724626
OS Map
This is OS mapping. In some areas, OpenStreetMap shows more footpaths
Spatial NI has online OSNI mapping. Click "Basemap Gallery" (4 squares icon at the top).
Now would be a good time for a cup of tea.

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Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr
The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.

The remains of a wall heading off across the mountain moorland between Stob Binnein and Meall na Dige.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak wall 51193939548

Stob Binnein and Ben More (right, in the distance) both under heavy cloud. This is from the col below Stob Coire an Lochan.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak pool water 51194787765

Walkers on their way up Stob Binnein's south ridge towards the summit.
15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey • flickr
benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak snow ridge walkers hikers 51193724626

Ben More/ Gorillas in the Mist?
At the summit, couldnt see much which was a bit disapointing!
22-Jul-09 • iwan_canobi • flickr
mist mountain walking scotland highlands view ben hiking more crianlarich 3765562213
None found
- Data: Database of British and Irish Hills v18.2
- Maps: We use OS mapping for England, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. Sadly, Channel Islands, Northern (OSNI) and Southern Ireland (OSI) mapping isn't available online, so we use Openstreetmap.