Hills of Britain and Ireland

OS Map of Stob Coire an Lochain


06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr



06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr




06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr


Stob Binnein and Ben More
Stob Binnein and Ben More

15-Oct-21 • midgetic flickr


Ben More 1174m and the central highlands from Stob Binnein 1165m
Ben More 1174m and the central highlands from Stob Binnein 1165m

The summit of Stob Binnein has a panoromic view over all the southern and central highlands from Arran to Ben Nevis to Ben Lawyers. And on this day, every peak could be seen.

28-Jun-21 • David Dear flickr

scotland highlands mountains 51286801423


The remains of a wall heading off across the mountain moorland between Stob Binnein and Meall na Dige.

15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey flickr

benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak wall 51193939548

OS Map

This is OS mapping. In some areas, OpenStreetMap shows more footpaths

Spatial NI has online OSNI mapping. Click "Basemap Gallery" (4 squares icon at the top).

Try disabling your ad-blocker if the map doesn't appear.

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Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr

The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.


06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr



06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr




06-Mar-22 • iainjamescameron flickr


Stob Binnein and Ben More
Stob Binnein and Ben More

15-Oct-21 • midgetic flickr


Ben More 1174m and the central highlands from Stob Binnein 1165m
Ben More 1174m and the central highlands from Stob Binnein 1165m

The summit of Stob Binnein has a panoromic view over all the southern and central highlands from Arran to Ben Nevis to Ben Lawyers. And on this day, every peak could be seen.

28-Jun-21 • David Dear flickr

scotland highlands mountains 51286801423


The remains of a wall heading off across the mountain moorland between Stob Binnein and Meall na Dige.

15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey flickr

benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak wall 51193939548


Stob Binnein and Ben More (right, in the distance) both under heavy cloud. This is from the col below Stob Coire an Lochan.

15-May-21 • OutdoorMonkey flickr

benmore stobbinnein crianlarich coirechaorach outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery mountain munro cloud clouds sky skies moor moorland mountains peak pool water 51194787765

Two Peaks - May 2018
Two Peaks - May 2018

You climb and climb but still more to go. The Big hill is first and the next peak is still a long struggle to complete. Then you still got to get down and return to the car!

26-May-18 • GOR44Photographic@Gmail.com flickr

olympus omdem5 1240mmf28 scotland hills landscape gor44 stobbinnein benmore crainlarich argyll munro rocks 51805298493

On Stob Binnein
On Stob Binnein

01-May-80 • Fraser P flickr

highlands scotland climbing mountains 51428046418

On Stob Binnein
On Stob Binnein

I think this must have been the day Calum and I dragged my poor old dad up Stob Binnein from Balquhidder. We weren't driving yet, so he was our taxi driver. It's a hefty climb, over 1000m up from the floor of the glen. On the slopes approaching the summit Calum and I were able to skip over the hard snow, but Dad's greater weight caused him to break through the icy crust into soft snow beneath, up to his thigh, making the effort twice as hard for him. Then on the way back down we insisted on making the detour to take in the top of Meall na Dige to the east. Poor old bugger, we really wore him out that day. On the way back down the road we got stuck in a line of traffic at road works and Dad had an attack of cramp in his left leg, which required me to pump the clutch for him as we stopped and started along the queue while he grimaced in agony. A fun day out altogether. Bet he was glad he came...

01-May-80 • Fraser P flickr

highlands scotland climbing mountains 51427053127


  • Stob Binnein & Stob coire an Lochain
    Mike Hayes, Sep-19

    12k Hike straight up to 1000m. Amazing views. Delights & Spills. Great sunset.

  • The route to Stob Binnen from Invorlochlarig

    Started at invorlochlarig carpark headed over Stob Coire an Lochain.

  • Stob Binnein, from the south, Inverlochlarig and 2 Munro Tops 18.4.24
    Jimmy McC, Apr-24

    Yesterday's jaunt up Stob Binnein, from Inverlochlarig and Munro Tops, Meall na Dige 966m, & Stob Coire an Lochain, 1068m.

  • Stob Binnein (1165m) ascent by south ridge from Inverlochlarig on stunning autumn morning, 20.9.20

    Ascent of Stob Binnein (1165m) by the south ridge from Inverlochlarig on an autumn day with temperature inversion forming cloud ...

  • Bagging Stob Binnein - VLOG #05 - Landscape Photography - Rossco.Munro Photography

    Bagging Stob Binnein - VLOG #05 - Landscape Photography - Rossco.Munro Photography Hello everyone and here we have ...

  • Notes