Hills of Britain and Ireland
OS Map of Parson's Pulpit
Height: 538m / 1765ft • Prominence: 131m / 430ft • Summit : embedded rock c4m NW from trig point base • Trip reports (hill-bagging)

Yew Cogar Scar
Limestone outcrop on Yew Cogar Scar by the Monk's Road path.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales littondale arncliffe monksroad limestone yewcogarscar lmestoneoutcrop 33593763278

Limestone Pavement
Limestone Pavement at Dew Bottoms near Arncliffe in the Yorkshire Dales.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales arncliffe dewbottoms limestone limestonepavement monksroad 32535478297

Lee Gate High Mark
The limestone landscape of the Yorkshire Dales seen from Lee Gate High Mark between Malham Tarn and Hawkswick.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales limestone leegatehighmark outcrop blackwhite monochrome cloudscape clouds 47484185031
OS Map
This is OS mapping. In some areas, OpenStreetMap shows more footpaths
Spatial NI has online OSNI mapping. Click "Basemap Gallery" (4 squares icon at the top).
Now would be a good time for a cup of tea.
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Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr
The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.

Yew Cogar Scar
Limestone outcrop on Yew Cogar Scar by the Monk's Road path.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales littondale arncliffe monksroad limestone yewcogarscar lmestoneoutcrop 33593763278

Limestone Pavement
Limestone Pavement at Dew Bottoms near Arncliffe in the Yorkshire Dales.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales arncliffe dewbottoms limestone limestonepavement monksroad 32535478297

Lee Gate High Mark
The limestone landscape of the Yorkshire Dales seen from Lee Gate High Mark between Malham Tarn and Hawkswick.
landscape yorkshire yorkshiredales limestone leegatehighmark outcrop blackwhite monochrome cloudscape clouds 47484185031

3622 Parson's Pulpit
Parked past Arncliffe, walk passed pub onto path signed for Malham Tarn. No path to summit. Has a sunken trig point. Name:Parson's Pulpit Hill number:3622 Height:538m / 1765ft Parent (Ma):2788 Fountains Fell RHB Section:35B: The Central Pennines Nuttall/Wainwright area:Yorkshire Dales - Southern Fells County/UA:North Yorkshire (CoU) Catchment:Wharfe Class:Hump, Dodd (500-599m), Dewey, Clem Grid ref:SD 91837 68752 Summit feature:embedded rock c4m NW from trig point base Drop:130m Col:408m SD886681
28-Jul-07 • Dugswell2 • flickr
parsonspulpit p130 hump tump dodd dewey clem 49661866897
First flight of my DJI Inspire 2 which is investment in my new business which includes getting GVLOS certificate allowing me to do ...
Up on the tops of the bleak but beautiful Malham Moor viewing ancient remains of the people who once lived upon these ...
- Data: Database of British and Irish Hills v18.2
- Maps: We use OS mapping for England, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. Sadly, Channel Islands, Northern (OSNI) and Southern Ireland (OSI) mapping isn't available online, so we use Openstreetmap.