Hills of Britain and Ireland

Map of An Tiaracht (Tearaght Island)


IRLANDA (EIRE) TRAVELLING WITHOUT MOVING Due to the pandemic crisis, an attempt to discover the world using the power of Google® StreetView®. In many cases, Google® captions and icons are left, just for greater authenticity (although there is a GoogleChrome® extension that removes them with a click). Shots and post-production © Luca Traversa Ownership rights of the works © Google® Inc. A causa della crisi pandemica, un tentativo di conoscere il mondo usando la potenza di Google® StreetView®. In molti casi, le didascalie e icone di Google® sono lasciate, proprio per maggior autenticità (pur essendoci un'estensione di GoogleChrome® che le rimuove con un clic). Inquadrature e post-produzione © Luca Traversa Diritti di proprietà delle opere © Google® Inc. fb_290521

01-May-21 • LucatraversA flickr

twm travellingwithoutmoving eire 51152935032

To shine a light in the darkness
To shine a light in the darkness

After feeling the force of Storm Ashley all over Ireland yesterday and last night, the work of the Commissioners of Irish Lights and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute is more appreciated than ever. Here we have construction work in difficult conditions at Inishtearaght in County Kerry. While I am not familiar with the island, that coast, for all its beauty, is open to the full force of the southwesterlies and the power of the North Atlantic, and no doubt the light was a blessing to mariners. For those in peril on the sea! Photographer: Perhaps Robert Stawell Ball, 1840-1913 Collection: catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000521026?recordID=vtls000741205" rel="noreferrer nofollow Commissioners of Irish Lights Photographic Collection Date: Circa 1890-1910 1906-1907 1913 NLI Ref: catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000741570" rel="noreferrer nofollow NPA CIL179 You can also view this image, and many thousands of others, on the NLI’s catalogue at catalogue.nli.ie" rel="noreferrer nofollow catalogue.nli.ie

16-Apr-21 • National Library of Ireland on The Commons flickr

commissionersofirishlightsphotographiccollection nationallibraryofireland ireland lighthouse lights robertsball robertstawell blackandwhite bw constructionoflighthouse inishteargeacht countykerry munster hoist platform ropes blockandtackle northatlantic stormashley 20thcentury 54082621875



05-May-19 • Conor Dore flickr


Open Street Map

This is Open Street Map mapping. Sorry, (topographic) OSNI/Channel Islands/OSI mapping is not available online

Spatial NI has online OSNI mapping. Click "Basemap Gallery" (4 squares icon at the top).

Try disabling your ad-blocker if the map doesn't appear.

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Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr

The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.


IRLANDA (EIRE) TRAVELLING WITHOUT MOVING Due to the pandemic crisis, an attempt to discover the world using the power of Google® StreetView®. In many cases, Google® captions and icons are left, just for greater authenticity (although there is a GoogleChrome® extension that removes them with a click). Shots and post-production © Luca Traversa Ownership rights of the works © Google® Inc. A causa della crisi pandemica, un tentativo di conoscere il mondo usando la potenza di Google® StreetView®. In molti casi, le didascalie e icone di Google® sono lasciate, proprio per maggior autenticità (pur essendoci un'estensione di GoogleChrome® che le rimuove con un clic). Inquadrature e post-produzione © Luca Traversa Diritti di proprietà delle opere © Google® Inc. fb_290521

01-May-21 • LucatraversA flickr

twm travellingwithoutmoving eire 51152935032

To shine a light in the darkness
To shine a light in the darkness

After feeling the force of Storm Ashley all over Ireland yesterday and last night, the work of the Commissioners of Irish Lights and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute is more appreciated than ever. Here we have construction work in difficult conditions at Inishtearaght in County Kerry. While I am not familiar with the island, that coast, for all its beauty, is open to the full force of the southwesterlies and the power of the North Atlantic, and no doubt the light was a blessing to mariners. For those in peril on the sea! Photographer: Perhaps Robert Stawell Ball, 1840-1913 Collection: catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000521026?recordID=vtls000741205" rel="noreferrer nofollow Commissioners of Irish Lights Photographic Collection Date: Circa 1890-1910 1906-1907 1913 NLI Ref: catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000741570" rel="noreferrer nofollow NPA CIL179 You can also view this image, and many thousands of others, on the NLI’s catalogue at catalogue.nli.ie" rel="noreferrer nofollow catalogue.nli.ie

16-Apr-21 • National Library of Ireland on The Commons flickr

commissionersofirishlightsphotographiccollection nationallibraryofireland ireland lighthouse lights robertsball robertstawell blackandwhite bw constructionoflighthouse inishteargeacht countykerry munster hoist platform ropes blockandtackle northatlantic stormashley 20thcentury 54082621875



05-May-19 • Conor Dore flickr



  • Tiaracht Island

    Tiaracht Lighthouse and island, Blaskets. Most Westerly habitable point in Ireland.

  • An tOileán Tiar / The Western Island - The history and culture of the Blasket Islands.
    Yoho Media, Jan-22

    A film for the Blasket Island Centre in Kerry, South West Ireland, exploring the the history and culture of the Blasket Islands.

  • Coast of Inishvickillane

    Coastal shot of Inishvickillane, Blasket islands.

  • Notes