Hills of Britain and Ireland
Map of The Big Gun (An Gunna Mor)

IMG_1326. Circuit of the Hag's Glen. 2nd October 2022.
02-Oct-22 • William Glasgow Howe • flickr

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466402172

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466402732

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466403342

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466401322

8 March 2015
Mike Moroney's A walk on the Eastern Reeks
08-Mar-15 • Galtee Walking Club • flickr
Open Street Map
This is Open Street Map mapping. Sorry, (topographic) OSNI/Channel Islands/OSI mapping is not available online
Spatial NI has online OSNI mapping. Click "Basemap Gallery" (4 squares icon at the top).
Now would be a good time for a cup of tea.

GPX Editor
Record map clicks
Reload map
Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr
The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.

IMG_1326. Circuit of the Hag's Glen. 2nd October 2022.
02-Oct-22 • William Glasgow Howe • flickr

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466402172

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466402732

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466403342

macgillycuddy reeks kerry 2018 december big gun ridge carrauntoohil arête cruach mhor devils ladder 46466401322

8 March 2015
Mike Moroney's A walk on the Eastern Reeks
08-Mar-15 • Galtee Walking Club • flickr

8 March 2015
Mike Moroney's A walk on the Eastern Reeks
08-Mar-15 • Galtee Walking Club • flickr

In Ireland - Halfway up the Mountain
About 500m left to reach Irelands highest peak Carrauntoohil.
08-Oct-13 • Patrick Wuske • flickr
ireland 10156886846

Mountaineering Scrambling Training; Up On The Big Gun - MacGillycuddy Reeks. This was a six-day beginner to lead scrambler ...
Carrauntoohil & The Eastern Reeks fantastic weather for this. First clear summit in 6 trips :D i hope i've the names right when they ...
Climbing Brassel Mountain in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks County Kerry off the kerry way.
Running - scrambling on the Beenkeragh ridge & mountain top on New Year's Day in kerry - ireland.
- Data: Database of British and Irish Hills v18.2
- Maps: We use OS mapping for England, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. Sadly, Channel Islands, Northern (OSNI) and Southern Ireland (OSI) mapping isn't available online, so we use Openstreetmap.