Hills of Britain and Ireland

OS Map of Meall Gorm SE Top


Sgùrr nan Clach Geala (1093m, left) and the fabulous Sgùrr Mòr (1110m) - the two highest peaks in the Fannich range - from the slopes of Meall Gorm to the south east.

19-May-23 • OutdoorMonkey flickr

fannich fannichs scotland mountain mountains peak peaks summit munro munros outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery 52919915902

Lunch with a view
Lunch with a view

Mid way up-slope we paused for lunch and soaked up the view. There were swirly patterns in the ice on the tarn below. How do they form?

24-Feb-18 • C Beard flickr

anadventurewithjonny fannichs highlands hike lenstagger munro scotland winter 39679306615

100 Munros
100 Munros

Jonny's 100th Munro. Only ~150 to go!

24-Feb-18 • C Beard flickr

anadventurewithjonny fannichs highlands hike lenstagger munro scotland winter 39679331735

Cairn An Coileachan,923m, Fannichs
Cairn An Coileachan,923m, Fannichs

02-Aug-14 • Marshall Smart flickr

an munro fannichs coileachan 14822189284

Summit An Coileachan 923m Munro 169#
Summit An Coileachan 923m Munro 169#

02-Aug-14 • Marshall Smart flickr

an munro coileachan fannioch 14822185884

Ian on Summit (964)
Ian on Summit (964)

02-Jan-11 • oobrien flickr

jok 5327424008

OS Map

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Please tag your photos and upload them to the British and Irish Mountains group on Flickr

The other photos have been geo-tagged as on or around the summit. For less busy mountains, it can be a little hit and miss.


Sgùrr nan Clach Geala (1093m, left) and the fabulous Sgùrr Mòr (1110m) - the two highest peaks in the Fannich range - from the slopes of Meall Gorm to the south east.

19-May-23 • OutdoorMonkey flickr

fannich fannichs scotland mountain mountains peak peaks summit munro munros outside outdoor rural nature natural scenic scenery 52919915902

Lunch with a view
Lunch with a view

Mid way up-slope we paused for lunch and soaked up the view. There were swirly patterns in the ice on the tarn below. How do they form?

24-Feb-18 • C Beard flickr

anadventurewithjonny fannichs highlands hike lenstagger munro scotland winter 39679306615

100 Munros
100 Munros

Jonny's 100th Munro. Only ~150 to go!

24-Feb-18 • C Beard flickr

anadventurewithjonny fannichs highlands hike lenstagger munro scotland winter 39679331735

Cairn An Coileachan,923m, Fannichs
Cairn An Coileachan,923m, Fannichs

02-Aug-14 • Marshall Smart flickr

an munro fannichs coileachan 14822189284

Summit An Coileachan 923m Munro 169#
Summit An Coileachan 923m Munro 169#

02-Aug-14 • Marshall Smart flickr

an munro coileachan fannioch 14822185884

Ian on Summit (964)
Ian on Summit (964)

02-Jan-11 • oobrien flickr

jok 5327424008


  • Sgurr Mor & Eastern Fannichs

  • Notes