Hills of Britain and Ireland

OS Map of Southeast England Hills

By Height

3,000+ feet 2,000+ feet 1,000+ feet Under 1,000 feet

The numbers are hill height in feet.

By Relative height (drop)

600m + 150m + (Marilyn) 100m + (Hump) Under 100m

The number are relative height in feet.

There are no mountains in the south east - no hill quite makes 1,000 feet (305m) - but there are many Marilyns (hills with 150m drop, or prominence) and Humps (100m prominence)

This map shows every hill with at least 30m prominence (i.e. with a drop of 30m on all sides), all 800 or so of them!

Even so, some very obvious viewpoints are missed. For example Beachy Head, because its at the lower end of a ridge with Wilmington Hill on, which is higher. Nearby Belle Tout is included, even though its lower, because it does have a 30m drop - see our 7 Sisters (Seaford to Eastbourne) walk. Many of the hills have no club walks going near their summits, so inspiration for new walks?

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