Hills of Britain and Ireland

Northern Ireland : Causeway Coast and Glens

C County Area Id. Name Feet Metres Drop Relative Notes
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 21135 Kilpatrick (Rathlin Island) 440 134 134 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20555 Cross Slieve 676 206 150 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 21052 Lannimore Hill 679 207 119 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 21042 Long Mountain 705 215 128 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Sperrin Mountains 20987 Mullaghmeash Hill 801 244 100 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Keenaght 20875 Keady Mountain 1106 337 112 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20848 Carnanmore 1243 379 122 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Keenaght 20379 Binevenagh 1263 385 170 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens/Derry and Strabane Keenaght 20367 Loughermore 1299 396 270 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Keenaght 20362 Donald's Hill 1309 399 172 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20820 Croaghan 1368 417 115 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens Sperrin Mountains 20298 Benbradagh 1526 465 171 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Sperrin Mountains 20287 Mullaghash 1575 480 185 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20270 Slieveanorra 1667 508 172 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20266 Knocklayd 1686 514 392 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens Antrim Hills 20240 Trostan 1804 550 510 Marilyn
I Causeway Coast and Glens/Mid Ulster Sperrin Mountains 20692 Oughtmore 1867 569 102 Hump
I Causeway Coast and Glens/Derry and Strabane Sperrin Mountains 20200 Meenard Mountain 2051 625 90
I Causeway Coast and Glens Sperrin Mountains 20196 Mullaghaneany 2057 627 302 Marilyn


  • Data: Database of British and Irish Hills v18.0
  • Relative height, drop, or prominence is the height difference between a hill's summit and the col (lowest point) connecting it to the next higher summit. "Marilyns" are hills with a relative height of 150 metres, and "Humps" have 100 metres. There are some even in the south east of England.
  • We use OS mapping for England, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. Sadly, Channel Islands, Northern (OSNI) and Southern Ireland (OSI) mapping isn't available online, so we use Openstreetmap.